Les entiers ne sont pas limités en taille contrairement à la plus
part des langages.
L'entier 17 en décimal peut être écrit :
en binaire (0b) : 0b10001
en octal (0o) : 0o101
en hexadécimal (0x) : 0x11
Les opérations sur les entiers :
+ l'addition
- la soustraction (substraction)
* la multiplication
/ division rendant un résultat réel (7/5 rend 2.4)
// division rendant un résultat entier (7//5 rend 2)
% le modulo
abs(expression) la valeur absolue (the absolute value)
Plus de précisions sur les entiers (a priori, vous n'en avez pas
à vous en soucier).
Il y a une classenumbers.integral avec 3 types d'entiers (cf
ci-dessous un extrait du manuel de référence de Python) :
Plain integers
represent numbers in the range
-2147483648 through 2147483647. (The range may be larger on machines with a larger
natural word size, but not smaller.) When the result of
an operation would fall outside this range, the
result is normally returned as a
long integer (in some cases, the exceptionOverflowError is raised
instead). For the purpose
of shift and mask operations, integers are assumed to have a
binary, 2’s complement notation using 32 or more bits, and
hiding no bits from the user (i.e., all 4294967296 different
bit patterns correspond to different values).
represent numbers in an unlimited range, subject to available (virtual)
memory only. For the purpose
of shift and mask operations, a binary representation is
assumed, and negative numbers are represented in a variant of
2’s complement which gives the illusion of an infinite
string of sign
bits extending to the left.
represent the truth values False and True. The two objects
representing the values False
and True are the only Boolean
objects. The Booleantype is a
subtype of plain integers, and Boolean values
behave like the values 0 and 1, respectively, in almost all
contexts, the exception being
that when converted to a string, the
strings "False" or "True" are
rules for integer
representation are intended to give the most meaningful interpretation
of shift and mask operations involving negative integers and the
least surprises when switching between the plain and long integer
domains. Any operation, if it yields a result in
the plain integer domain, will yield the same
result in the long integer domain or when using mixed operands.
The switch between domains is transparent to the